Cloud-based PHOENIX WebInnovation successfully deployed at JadeWeserAirport for more than a year

Langen, 30 March 2022

JadeWeserAirport in Wilhelmshaven uses PHOENIX WebInnovation as an extended information tool in the tower and is particularly impressed by the flexibility of the tool.

AFIS officers use the system as an information tool for air situation display. Through AFIS, pilots receive relevant flight information from the tower, meteorological information, advice on navigation aids or possible restrictions at the aerodrome.

JadeWeserAirport has a superbly developed two-runway system that can be approached in almost any weather and is considered an ideal take-off and landing site for both amateur and business aviation. The two rescue helicopters stationed at the aerodrome also benefit from the traffic information provided by the tower, especially during the busy summer months.

The AFIS officers at JadeWeserAirport have already come to appreciate the flexibility of the cloud solution. During the last hurricane in the winter of 2022, there was a power outage at the aerodrome Karl Oltmanns, Tower Manager at JadeWeserAirport explains: “Thanks to the hardware independence and flexibility of PHOENIX WebInnovation, we were able to monitor the air situation using the mobile LTE router, a laptop and a radio unit.” The web and cloud-based PHOENIX WebInnovation air traffic control system from DFS Aviation Services GmbH has been deployed at JadeWeserAirport in Wilhelmshaven for a year. The aerodrome has now extended the contract.

In recent years, the aerodrome has made some investments to make itself even more attractive for general aviation. PHOENIX WebInnovation will continue to support AFIS officers in always maintaining an overview of the complex traffic situation around the aerodrome.

PHOENIX WebInnovation is suitable for a wide range of applications in the air traffic industry. At its core it offers a modern, convenient radar screen that can be used as an airborne situational awareness display. The tool is independent of location and hardware and, as in Wilhelmshaven, is operated via an online cloud with access via the internet. The innovative system can be used by both small airports and larger air navigation service providers.

Andreas Pötzsch, managing director of DFS Aviation Services, says: “We are pleased that PHOENIX WebInnovation can transmit reliable ATM data, even in difficult situations. With cloud technology, we can offer users a high degree of flexibility with a range of application options.”

DFS Aviation Services GmbH (DAS) is a subsidiary of DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH and employs more than 400 people around the world. As a certified ATM provider, DAS controls air traffic at German small and medium-sized airports and sells products and services related to Air Traffic Control around the world. Its customers include ATM organisations, airports, airlines, and aviation authorities all over the world.

Through its subsidiary, Air Navigation Solutions Ltd. (ANSL), DAS is also responsible for air traffic at Edinburgh and London-Gatwick. The subsidiary DFS Aviation Services Bahrain Co WLL provides support in the Middle East in the areas of air traffic control and air traffic control technology. In Asia, DFS Aviation Services has a representative office in Beijing and a branch office in Singapore. Through its joint venture with Frequentis AG of Vienna, Frequentis DFS Aerosense GmbH, DAS also sells Remote Tower solutions worldwide.

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PHOENIX WebInnovation im Tower, JadeWeserAirport
© DFS Aviation Services GmbH

Tower JadeWeserAirport, Wilhelmshaven
© DFS Aviation Services GmbH

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