Information on the current situation regarding COVID-19

We are all facing major challenges and society needs to act responsibly in this extraordinary situation.

As a company, it is our duty to protect our employees and their families as best as we can, which is why we have consistently taken measures to minimize risks wherever possible and have sought and created flexible work solutions for our employees.

We want to remain fully accessible to our customers and partners, which is why the air traffic controllers of DFS Aviation Services continue to work in shifts to ensure that operational services are maintained.

This situation is challenging for all of us, but we know that our strong culture and team spirit will guide us through these difficult times. We stand together and will overcome it! We can do it!

We also wish you, your employees and their families all the best and lots of positive energy for the time ahead. Treat each other with respect, stay healthy and safe.

Press contact

For questions regarding press & media, please contact our marketing department.

Email: communication(a)

Phone: +49 (0)6103 3748-142