Most successful World ATM Congress to date

Tower operations of the future, and how to deal with drones and capacity bottlenecks in global airspace – that was the World ATM Congress 2019.

The world’s largest ATM event took place for the seventh time from 12 to 13 March 2019. It was a record year – with 251 events and presentations, 253 exhibitors, and 1,000 more visitors than the year before.

The World ATM Congress continues to enjoy a position of great importance in the ATM industry and the organisers of the Congress, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) and the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA), expressed their satisfaction with this year’s result. Each year, the Congress brings together international vendors and air navigation service providers to present and discuss the latest trends and developments in the sector. Such issues were tackled in presentations held across six stages by industry experts. Five staff members from the DFS Group also held presentations.

The rise in the number of visitors was reflected in the interest shown in the joint DFS Group stand. In addition to DFS and DFS Aviation Services, the UK subsidiary Air Navigation Solutions, the joint venture FREQUENTIS DFS AEROSENSE and the Bahraini subsidiary were present on the stand.

The highlights on the DFS stand were certainly the remote tower solution and the latest developments in drone traffic management. In addition, experts from DFS were on hand to explain the system innovations PHOENIX WebInnovation, the Surface Manager and VisAV-E, a tool to assess, analyse and verify the ground and air situation, which were also the subject of presentations at the event.

The SESAR Walking Tour, the Single European Sky (SES) Award and the popular receptions hosted by DFS also piqued the interest of visitors. The SES Award was won by the SWIM Initiative on the digital transformation of ATM data exchange, in which DFS is also involved.

Andreas Pötzsch, Managing Director DFS Aviation Services, on the involvement of the DFS Group at the Congress: “This year, DFS demonstrated it was a strong group of companies that was well positioned internationally. The joint stand underlined that the DFS Group is operating worldwide as a business partner for all aspects of air navigation services as well as functioning as the respected air navigation service provider for Germany.”

This year, the Congress focused on improving airspace capacity utilisation, the investment in personnel and the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles into airspace (UAS/UTM).

Next year, the World ATM Congress will open its doors from 10 to 12 March.

Shared booth of the DFS group.

This year, customers received information on software tools like the Surface Manager or VisAV-E.

Ashley Williams, DFS Aviation Services, speaking about the software VisAV-E.

Matthias Hieronimus (RTC Consulting, DFS AS) and Katrin Scheidgen (Head of Business Development, DFS AS) explaining remote tower concepts to customers.

Matthias Hiernonimus (RTC Consulting, DFS AS) talking about the FREQUENTIS DFS AEROSENSE remote and virtual tower solutions.

DFS Aviation Services were pleased about the exchange with international customers (left to right: Yannick Beyer, Regional Manager Europe; Sandra Schreck, Assistent to Managing Director; Stefan Mauel, Key Account Manager German Airports).

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