DFS Aviation Services and the Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Engineering (NRIEE) successfully completed an important milestone in their cooperative R&D project

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As part of the project between DFS Aviation Services, NRIEE and in cooperation with DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, a workshop was held on air traffic management operations. The 6-day workshop event was held for 12 experts from NRIEE and led by Stephan Fröhlich, a senior ATM expert and experienced controller. The workshop was conducted online, as the current pandemic situation still limits travel between China and Germany and a common knowledge and understanding of ATM operations is a cornerstone for the other work packages in the R&D project.

The Director of NRIEE State Key Lab of ATM Prof. CHAI Wenguang expressed that “Thanks to this workshop, our technical experts have received a sound basis on Air Traffic Control. We are looking forward to our long-term cooperation and the upcoming steps of the project.”

While the project takes place in the context of a larger programme aimed at optimising flights from Guangzhou to Nairobi, the efforts of the DFS Group focus on contributing their expertise to ATM operations in general as well as Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) and Free Route Airspace (FRA), in particular, to suggest ATM operational enhancements for the highly complex and dense airspace around Guangzhou.

In the meantime, two work packages on Trajectory Based Operations are progressing at full speed. Firstly, based on operational experience in Europe relevant to ATM circumstances in China, a vision to employ TBO is under development. Secondly, an aircraft performance study for trajectory prediction is in progress as a crucial step in enabling ATM systems to work in a trajectory-based manner.

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DFS Aviation Services 与南京电子工程研究所 (NRIEE) 成功完成合作研究项目里程碑

作为NRIEE与DFS Aviation Services合作项目的一部分,在DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung的参与下, 双方举办了一次关于空中交通管理运行的研讨会。此次为期 6 天的研讨会由高级 ATM 专家和经验丰富的管制员 Stephan Fröhlich 领衔,有来自 NRIEE 的 12 位专家参加。因为目前中德之间的旅行仍然因疫情受限,此次研讨会以线上形式举行,而对 ATM 运行的共同认知和理解是该研发项目其他工作的基石。



DFS Aviation Services 北京首席代表 Hans de Jong 博士强调:“我们对这次研讨会的成果感到非常欣慰,这次的重点不仅是了解空中交通管制员的想法和工作方式,而且还为 TBO 和 FRA 的研究开发奠定了基础。”

与此同时,两项基于航迹运行的工作包正在全速推进中。其一,是基于欧洲的空管运行经验,并结合中国的 ATM 环境,一个关于如何应用TBO的愿景文件正在开发中。其二,一项用于轨迹预测的航空器性能研究正在进行中,这是让 ATM 系统能够以基于航迹的方式运作的关键步骤。

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